Acentra Health -
Health Care Quality Unit (HCQU)
Enhancing the health and wellness of people with intellectual disability/autism (ID/A)
through the sharing of information.
- For information about the HRST process, refer to the Pennsylvania Health Risk Screening Tool Protocol Update.
- Residential Providers and Supports Coordination Organizations (SCOs): To request addition, update, and/or removal of HRST users for the agency, please submit a new or updated user spreadsheet to the HCQU HRST Gatekeeper (, following the steps detailed in the HRST Best Practice Guide for PA Providers (applicable to providers and SCOs). New users receive HRST user profile credentials directly from HRS, via email.
- Rater Requirements – Successful completion of the HRST Online Rater Training. SCO users are encouraged (but not required) to complete the HRST Online Rater Training.
- Clinical Reviewer Requirements – (1) RN or LPN licensure, (2) successful completion of the HRST Online Rater Training, and (3) participation in 1-day HRST Clinical Reviewer Training session. Contact for a current schedule of HRST Clinical Reviewer Training sessions and registration information.
- An RN must provide oversight for LPN Clinical Reviewers
- Submit questions about the HRST user profile spreadsheet to
- Submit technical questions about the HRST tool to
- Submit clinical questions related to the HRST to
Acentra Health, is the service provider on behalf of Westmoreland County Behavioral Health and Developmental Services, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.